Monday, August 11, 2008

eBandLive: Project Manager

Project Manager

Katie's job at eBandLive is one of the most important here. She is responsible for facilitating the launch of eBand, keeping everyone on task, project documentation, facilitating meetings and our den mother. Now if we could just get her to bake cookies for every meeting! ;)

Some of Katie's favorite bands are: Bayside, Mayday Parade, Counting Crows, Alanis Morrisette, Anberlin, John Butler Trio, Ani DeFranco and Indigo Girls. Some of her favorite things are: travel, movies, listen to music, watch live music, hang out with friends, read, spend time with her boyfriend and go to the cabin.

She used to live in Spain, Guatemala and Australia. Her favorite food is pizza and her favorite book is Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. If stranded on desert island she couldn't live without: iPod, pizza, cell phone, comfy clothes and a raft. :)

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. Also, we appreciate your continued patience as we move forward with eBand development! We are looking forward to our launch date so please keep your browser pointed here.


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